
Articles for authors who mean business . . .

How to publish your book in 2024 (a bit differently)

It’s never been more fun to write the book (or series) brewing in your heart, mind, and soul and share it with the world! It’s also never been as terrifying! But you can do this! ...more


May 10, 202411 min read

How to publish your book in 2024 (a bit differently)

23 Lessons this author learned in 2023

(Yes, this title is happening!) ...more

Self-Publishing ,Author Growth

February 15, 20241 min read

23 Lessons this author learned in 2023

How to set goals like you mean it!

As authors, we’re writing every day (or we try to) to hit our word count goals. I’m right there with you! I’m always thinking about how I can write faster, write more productively, and set my day up f... ...more

Self-Publishing ,Author Growth

June 25, 20233 min read

How to set goals like you mean it!

Grow your confidence by setting writing goals

“The only way to have a powerful “present” is by advancing courageously towards a specific future.” - Dr. Benjamin Hardy ...more

Self-Publishing ,Author Growth

June 18, 20236 min read

Grow your confidence by setting writing goals

Grow you confidence by designing your weeks with purpose

“Better awareness leads to better choices leads to better results.” - Robin Sharma ...more

Self-Publishing ,Author Growth

June 11, 20233 min read

Grow you confidence by designing your weeks with purpose

5 Things you should do with positives reviews

Whether it’s on your phone or your laptop or both, keep a wins folder where you store positive reviews as well as messages and comments from readers that made you smile. ...more

Self-Publishing ,Reviews

June 04, 20233 min read

5 Things you should do with positives reviews