Hi, I'm Tanya

A small-town South African indie author, multi-passionate dream chaser, and obsessed with traveling to cold places.

I started my self-publishing journey with no internet at home. I only had big dreams and my trusted old laptop that could open either word or media player (and not the same time).

I figured that was all I needed.

And it was.

But self-publishing is so much more than publishing your books. 

Back then, if someone told me marketing, funnels, workflows, email automation sequences, growth strategies, and algorithms would become both a labyrinth in which I get lost and the foundation on which I found my way out, I’d have laughed. Probably in their face. 

But that’s exactly what happened.

Korean Period Dramas, Online Courses & A Thousand Curse-Worthy Stubbed Toes Later . . .

Today, I’m a full-time author and you can probably find me typing away at my next novel, dipping into conversational Korean, or mapping out ways I can provide even more value to fellow indies.

My self-publishing journey wasn't always what you would call a smooth ride. I must have charged into as many rabbit holes as there are stars in the sky. I spent hours reading, taking courses, and learning the ins and outs of running a successful author business. 

Bit by bit, I rebuilt the foundation of my platform on solid ground. I'm also no longer shaken by Amazon or Facebook or any retailer's constant updates and changes.

Bring it on!

Even now, I would never call running my author platform a smooth ride, but it's sure as hell worth every bump and stubbed toe!

Small Call to Action Headline

During my time in one of the rabbit holes I rushed into, I made a vow.

I vowed that I would do everything in my power to help any author who got lost in the same testy labyrinth, and where possible, I'd prevent it altogether.

I big vow.

One I'm passionate about.

It's scary enough writing books and putting your work out in the world.  And let me tell you, it's much harder writing a book than figuring out how to set up an email account and learn how to drive traffic to your books.

It's just unfamiliar

That's were I come in!

I'm here to help you create a spellbinding vision for your career. I'm here to help you build an unshakable author platform. I'm here to help the unfamiliar become familiar.